Probation Lawyer in Baltimore County, Maryland

Probation is a type of sentence in a criminal or serious traffic case that is available in lieu of serving time in jail or prison. Probation often has certain standard conditions or special conditions that a person must adhere to in order to be compliant.  Some conditions of probation may include: maintaining a job, wearing a monitoring device, performing community service, avoiding drugs and alcohol, not committing any crimes, taking classes, and/or regularly reporting to a probation officer.  When a person is accused of violating one or more conditions of his or her probation, the court schedules a hearing to determine whether the person actually violated his or her probation, and if so, what the appropriate action is to take.  In some cases, the court may decide that it is appropriate to revoke a person’s probation and incarcerate them.  An alleged violation of probation is a matter that should therefore be taken extremely seriously because it could possibly result in jail time.  Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney if you have been accused of violation your probation.

Circumstances may sometimes arise that make it appropriate to terminate a person’s probation early or convert supervised probation to unsupervised probation.  For example, a person who is placed on supervised probation for the sole purpose of paying restitution may be eligible to have his or her probation converted to unsupervised probation or terminated altogether once the restitution has been paid.  Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney if you are interested in terminating your probation early.

Probation often carries with it many standard conditions and some special conditions.  Following all of the conditions of probation can sometimes be extremely difficult or create a hardship on the probationer and his or her family.  Luckily, Md. Rule 4-346(b) allows for the modification of probation conditions at any time if the appropriate motion is filed with the court.  Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney if you find that the conditions of your probation are overly burdensome or are interfering with your ability to live a productive life.  

Probation Attorney in Towson, Maryland

Contact Shepard Law today at (410) 648-4008 or fill out the form below to schedule a confidential, free consultation with an experienced Baltimore County, Maryland probation attorney if you are accused of violating the terms and conditions of your probation, want to modify the conditions of your probation, or want to pursue terminating your probation early. 

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